A student writer at UBC.
to my personal web
portfolio for ENGL 301.

About this site
Hello and welcome to my web portfolio!
This portfolio was created for the ENGL 301 Technical Writing course offered at the University of British Columbia. It was intended to showcase my professional writing skills and exhibit writing examples developed throughout the semester.
Click on the menu at the top or follow the links below to navigate through the portfolio:
Application Package: a cover letter, resume, and three reference request letters for the application of the Geographic Information System (GIS) Analyst position at UBC Sauder School of Business.
Blog: reflection blog posts for each unit of the course.
Resume: an online resume highlighting my education, work experiences, and student engagement.
LinkedIn: a link to my LinkedIn profile.
Best Work: examples of my best work this semester with commentary on the purpose and success of each assignment.
Associated Groups: links to groups and organizations I am associated with and a short narrative for each hyperlink.
Past Projects: examples of academic projects related to GIS.
About ENGL 301
ENGL 301 Technical Writing is a course taught by Professor Erika Paterson at the University of British Columbia. It aims to help people ranging from undergraduate students to young professionals communicate with cohesion, clarity, and confidence in their writings. The concept of ’practice makes perfect’ is endorsed in the course as lots of practices are designed to consolidate the writing techniques and practical frameworks introduced through readings. Students will have a chance to flex their writing muscle and produce technical, business, and professional writings in the form of abstracts, proposals, applications, reports, correspondence and Web Folio, to name a few.

Learning is always more effective and joyful with peers. In ENGL 301, students are encouraged to work independently as well as collaboratively through peer reviews and discussion blog. An interactive and collective online learning space enables students to learn and teach each other.
This course comprises four units; each unit tackles a particular writing context and assists students to produce clean documents for expert and non-expert audiences alike. The first unit is an overview of the different technical writing genres. The second unit focuses on report proposal. The third unit prepares students for job applications, and the fourth unit wraps up the course with a formal report.