A student writer at UBC.
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Definition assignment
The purpose of this assignment was to learn the various ways of defining a technical term based on the needs of the audience and the purpose. Selecting the right level of detail for a definition according to the situation is crucial to establishing a common understanding amongst readers. This assignment also introduced methods of expanding a definition to provide more details.
I successfully wrote a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition, and an expanded definition for the term just transition. The definitions could be used to educate people from all walks of life about environmental issues.
Peer review of the definition assignment
Peer reviewing was an important component of the course. It was intended to help students develop critical thinking and judgement skills, encourage self-reflexivity with regards to writing practices and strategies, and promote collaboration by learning from one another. After completing an assignment, students were provided with the space to review their writing team members’ work and revise their own assignments according to their peers’ feedback.
I reviewed Diane Keyes' definition assignment on the term Transformation Learning. Constructive and critical comments were provided in terms of organization, sentence structure, research quality, visuals, and grammar.
Formal Report Proposal + Progress Report
Writing a formal report proposal is the critical first step for successful research. In this course, students were asked to investigate, analyze, and recommend action on a problem, an inefficiency, or a deficiency at work, school, or a community setting and produce a formal report. The proposal assignment allowed students to brainstorm ideas for the report early on and ensure the idea was feasible and appropriate for the course. Approval from Dr. Paterson was required before commencing the research process.
Additionally, students compiled a progress report detailing the efforts made after 3 weeks of proposal approval. The report informed Dr. Paterson of the timeline for project completion, status of research preparation, and further investigation of project significance. It is to ensure students were on the right track to finishing the report.
I submitted a formal report proposal for the topic, “Enhancing Communication and Collaboration among Sustainability-related Student Groups at UBC” which outlines the following:
Statement of the problem of an event scheduling conflict
Proposed solution
Scope of inquiries
Research methodologies
My qualifications
I created a progress report that specifies the following topics:
The audience for the report
Research plan
Writing schedule
Survey and interview questions
Complaint letter and Response letter
Composing business letters is challenging, especially when it involves conveying a negative or bad message. In such cases, writing from the reader’s point of view while maintaining professionalism is of utmost importance. The purpose of this assignment was to learn the importance of “you-attitude” in professional writing that makes the reader feel valued and appreciated in all circumstances. A reader-centred document can allow the writer to achieve the goal of the writing.
I wrote a letter of complaint from the perspective of a disappointed customer at Kal Tire and a letter of response as an employee at Kal Tire. I was able to apply “you-attitude” throughout the letters to satisfactorily accomplish the goals of both roles.
Peer Review of Application Package
Peer reviewing was an important component of the course. It was intended to help students develop critical thinking and judgement skills, encourage self-reflexivity with regards to writing practices and strategies, and promote collaboration by learning from one another. After completing an assignment, students were provided with the space to review their writing team members’ work and revise their own assignments according to their peers’ feedback.
I reviewed Andree Coschizza's application package for the position of Theoretical Physics Research Summer Internship at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. Comments were provided for her cover letter, resume, and three letters of reference request.
Peer Review of a Formal Report
Peer reviewing was an important component of the course. It was intended to help students develop critical thinking and judgement skills, encourage self-reflexivity with regards to writing practices and strategies, and promote collaboration by learning from one another. After completing an assignment, students were provided with the space to review their writing team members’ work and revise their own assignments according to their peers’ feedback.
I reviewed Diane Keyes' formal report titled “Causal Analysis of Customer Challenges with Ettics’ Store Package-Free System” and provided comments on each section of the report as well as the overall writing style and organization.